Operation Healing Freedom
Total $30,000

Honor Flight Chicago Corp
For Honor Flight Chicago

Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
For the "Meeting the Needs of Military Veterans, Service members and Their Families" program

Total Operation Healing Freedom: $30,000

Welcome Back Veterans
Total $2,967,226

The Center for Citizen Leadership
For technology/information systems, fiscal management, and resource development/fundraising.

Crane Technology, Inc.
For Crane Learning and Employment Center for Veterans with Disabilities program

Deep Democracy
For program evaluation and strategic planning.

Hope for the Warriors
For board training, technology/information systems, and program evaluation.

Jewish Board of Family and Children's Services, Inc.
For Home Again: Reaching Out program

Los Angeles Institute and Society For Psychoanalytic Studies
For The Soldiers Project

Military Spouse Corporate Career Network, Inc.
For board training, communications/marketing, and technology/information systems.

National Center on Family Homelessness, Inc.
For Community Circles of Support for Veterans program

National Military Family Association, Inc.
For Military Spouse Scholarship program

National Organization on Disability
For Army Wounded Warrior Career Demonstration Project

National Veterans Business Development Corporation
For the TROOPS Activator

North Shore Long Island Jewish Health System Foundation
For PTSD/TBI treatment programs

Northeast Veterans Business Resource Center, Inc.
For board training, staff training, and technology/information systems.

Project Return to Work
For Back to Work, Back to Life program

Swords to Plowshares Veterans Rights Organization
For Combat to Community- On the Job program

Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors, Inc.
For Suicide Prevention for PTSD-affected Veterans

The University of Michigan
For the Veteran's Treatment program

USA Cares
For Warrior Treatment Today program

Veterans Advocacy Foundation, Inc.
For technology/information systems building.

Veterans TA Workshop
WBV TA workshop expenses

Total Welcome Back Veterans: $2,967,226

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