Civics Program
Total $2,033,700*

(Previously known as Citizenship Program)
Improves access to quality civic education and engagement opportunities in Chicagoland for youth ages 12-22.

* Includes $5,600 from returned portion of unused grants from prior years

Albany Park Community Center, Inc.
For citizenship education, voter registration and community service programming

Albany Park Community Center, Inc.
For one year of general operating support

AMVETS National Service Foundation
For the installation of a memorial carillon at the Epinal American Cemetery in France and for the dedication ceremony on May 24, 2009

The Army War College Foundation, Inc.
For the 2010 National Security Seminar

Bugles Across America
For general operating support

For general support

Center for Governmental Studies
For support of Video Voter Illinois

Chicago Area Project
For the general operating expenses of the Youth Capital Development and Youth As Resources (YAR) programs

Chicago Area Project
For one year for the Youth Capital Development and Youth as Resources (YAR) programs

Chicago Council on Global Affairs
For general and program support

Chicago Police Memorial Foundation
For support of programs that assist families of active duty CPD officers who were killed or seriously injured in the line of duty

Chicago Public Schools/ Department of JROTC
For general operating support

Chinese Mutual Aid Association
For the Multicultural Youth Project

Citizen Advocacy Center
For the Civic Empowerment Zone

Citizen Advocacy Center
For one year for the Civic Empowerment Zone

City Year Chicago
For efforts to grow the Corps Member Training and Leadership Development Program in fiscal year 2009

City Year Chicago
For one year of support for Corps Member training and the Leadership Development program

Civic Federation (The)
For a financial analysis of the Chicago 2016 Olympic bid

Constitutional Rights Foundation Chicago
For the 2010 Illinois Youth Summit

Donors Forum
For general and program support

Executive Service Corps of Chicago
For one year of general operating support

The Foundation Center
For one year of general operating support

Illinois Campaign for Political Reform
For public education, coalition-building and policy development efforts of CHANGE Illinois!

Illinois Campus Compact
For the Raise Your Voice Fellows, Community Service Director Fellows and related activities

Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights
For support of civic engagement leadership development and immigrant integration initiatives

Illinois Humanities Council
For the 2010 Illinois Capitol Forum on America's Future

Interfaith Youth Core
For support of youth interfaith leadership development

International House
For the World Behind the Headlines lecture series

League of Women Voters of Illinois Education Fund
For the Illinois Student Vote 2010 project

LIFT (Formerly National Student Partnerships)
For volunteer and civic engagement activities

Marmion Academy
For the Colonel Earl K. Buchan Invitational Drill Meet and the Col. Robert R. McCormick Commanders Award

Mikva Challenge Grant Foundation, Inc.
For support of programs that spur youth civic leadership and commitment to service, and encourage political and educational institutions to include youth in decision-making processes
For support of the Democracy 2.0 Grant Summit in Chicago
For the "Beyond the Welcome Home" Grant Summit"

The National Conference on Citizenship
For the 2009 Illinois Civic Health Index report

National Strategy Forum
For general operating and program support

Northwestern University
For the new Center for Civic Engagement

Philanthropy for Active Civic Engagement
For one year of general operating support

Pritzker Military Library
For general operating support

Remember Museum 39-45
For general operating support for the museum and activities related to the 2009 Anniversary celebration

University of Illinois Foundation
For the Civic Leadership Program

University of Illinois Foundation
For the 2009-2010 Chicago Civic Leadership Certificate Program

University of Wisconsin-Madison
For the second phase of a study of civic education programs

USO of Illinois, Inc.
For operational planning and promotional development of the 2009 Chicago Medal of Honor Annual Convention

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