Journalism Program
Total $5,592,688*

Seeks to improve news literacy and foster a free and vigorous news media.

* Includes $812 from returned portion of unused grants from prior years

American Press Institute Inc.
For support of the Transformation Series

American Society of Newspaper Editors Foundation, Inc.
For general support and organizational capacity building

American Society of Newspaper Editors Foundation, Inc.
For the Liberty Tree initiative

American University
For support of J-Lab's McCormick Initiative for New Media Women Entrepreneurs

American University
For the McCormick New Media Women Entrepreneurs (NMWE) initiative

Asian American Journalists Association
For support of the Executive Leadership Program

Better Government Association
For development of a Government Accountability web site

Beyondmedia Education
For Girls! Action! Media!

Beyondmedia Education
For support of the Girls! Action! Media! program

Broadcasters' Foundation
For assistance to radio and television journalists

First Amendment Coalition
For legal assistance to ethnic media

First Amendment Coalition
For a conference to train community media journalists on leveraging Freedom of Information (FOI) laws and online research tools

Center for Media and Security Ltd.
For general support

The Center for Public Integrity
For a cooperative consortium of non-profit investigative journalism organizations

Columbia College Chicago
For continued support of Columbia Links

Committee to Protect Journalists, Inc.
For an online journalism initiative and Latin American program

Community Media Workshop
For support of the CMW media guide and an initiative involving Chicago-area ethnic media

Community Renewal Society
For continued support of The Chicago Reporter

Community Technology Foundation of California
For support of a California-based Media Greenhouse initiative

Community Television Network
For "Hard Cover" journalism training

Council for the Advancement of Science Writing
For travel fellowships to the New Horizons in Science annual briefing and digital media upgrades

DePaul University
For a McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on Chicago's Olympic bid

Florida International University Foundation Inc.
For the South Florida News Service

Free Spirit Media NFP
For HoopsHIGH

Free Spirit Media NFP
For support of the FSM Connections initiative

Fund for the City of New York, Inc.
For Women's eNews

Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa Inc.
For continued support of the Chapultepec Project

For the We Media Game Changers Awards

Illinois First Amendment Center
For continued support of a First Amendment education campaign

Illinois Press Foundation, Inc.
For a high school journalism camp and journalism advisor workshop

The Trustees of Indiana University
For a Nonprofit and Philanthropy Reporting Program

Institute for Justice and Journalism
For a two-part conference on coverage of urban environmental justice

Institutes for Journalism and Natural Resources
For an "expedition-style" program on energy issues

International Center for Journalists, Inc.
For a two-year training program for community Spanish-language radio stations

International Women's Media Foundation
For continued support of the Leadership Institute for Women Journalists

Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc.
For investigative reporting workshops for ethnic media outlets

Jim Murray Memorial Foundation
For Jim Murray Memorial Journalism Scholarships

Kansas State University Foundation
For a 2010 conference on Community Readiness Communications

KU Endowment Association
For continued support of a military-media education training program

Louisiana State University
For support of an ethnic media model program in Louisiana

Robert C. Maynard Institute for Journalism Education
For the Media Academy, the Editing Program and Web operations

Minnesota Public Radio/American Public Media
For support of the Public Insight Journalism Initiative

National Association of Broadcasters Education Foundation
For broadcast diversity development programs and a college public service announcement contest

National Association of Hispanic Journalists
For support of the Parity Project

National Museum of Mexican Art
For Radio Arte's First Voice/Primera Voz News Program

Northwestern University - Media Management Center
For continued support of the McCormick Tribune Fellows program

Northwestern University - Media Management Center
For general operating support

Northwestern University - Medill School of Journalism
For the creation of an initiative on national security and the media

The Ohio State University Foundation
For a McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on emerging energy issues

One Economy Corporation
For the Digital Connectors Civic Journalism Project

Pacific News Service
For support of New America Media's journalism school initiative

Pacific News Service
For ethnic media collaborative coverage of returning veterans

The Poynter Institute
For support of the McCormick Change Leadership Fellows

The Poynter Institute
For a News Literacy Project initiative in selected Chicago middle schools

Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting
For the Global Gateway: Youth Media Chicago initiative

Radio Television Digital News Foundation, Inc.
For support of a High School Teacher Television Camp and follow-up

Radio Television Digital News Foundation, Inc.
For news leadership training

The Regents of the University of California
For general support of a media technology conference

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
For continued support of the McCormick Tribune Legal Fellowship

The Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press
For continued support of the McCormick Legal Fellowship

Research Foundation of the City University of New York
For support of an Entrepreneurial Journalism course

Research Foundation of the City University of New York
For support of a New Business Models for News initiative

Research Foundation of the City University of New York
For a McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on coverage of financial crime

Research Foundation of the City University of New York
For a New York City High School Journalism collaborative project

Roosevelt University
For continued support of the McCormick Foundation High School Media Awards and scholastic press activities

School of Journalism Foundation of North Carolina Inc.
For one year support of the "Community News in a Digital Age" rural news initiative

Society of Environmental Journalists
For the First Amendment Watchdog Project

Stony Brook Foundation Inc.
For support of a Multimedia Final Conference Report on news literacy

Street-Level Youth Media
For the Sounding Point radio program

Student Press Law Center
For a McCormick Tribune Publications Fellowship

True Star Foundation, Inc.
For youth media activities

True Star Foundation, Inc.
For youth media activities

Twin Cities Media Alliance
For continued support of efforts to strengthen local news

UNITY: Journalists of Color, Inc.
For help defraying costs of a diversity summit in Boston

University of Colorado at Boulder
For the Resolving Door community journalism project

University of Georgia Foundation
For continued assessment of the Annual Survey of Journalism and Mass Communication in 2009

University of Miami
For research project into South Florida Haitian newsrooms and audience

University of Michigan
For a McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on Census 2010

University of Southern California
For to support of the 2009 High School and Community College Journalism Days

University of Southern California
For a two-part conference on coverage of urban environmental justice

University of Southern California
For a Media Leadership Conference

University of Tennessee
For a McCormick Specialized Reporting Institute on the future of nuclear energy

Urban Media Foundation
For support of after-school journalism workshops for at-risk youth in South Los Angeles

Wayne State University -- Department of Journalism
For continued support of an Ethnic Media initiative

We The People Media
For the Urban Youth International Journalism Program

West Virginia University
For a multimedia journalism education partnership project

Young Chicago Authors
For "Say What" magazine and the Louder Than a Bomb poetry festival

Youth News Service L.A. Bureau
For general support

For a media diversification initiative

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