Cubs Care
Total $1,100,000

Funds neighborhood-based nonprofit
organizations, as well as programs
supporting children with special
needs, victims of domestic violence
and youth baseball leagues.

Alexian Brothers Bonaventure House
For Transitional Living program

B.U.I.L.D, Inc.
For general support

Between Friends
For general support

Big Brothers Big Sisters Of Metropolitan Chicago
For the Mentoring Partnership program

Casa Central
For Youth Options Unlimited program

Casa Norte
For Crisis Center program

Center on Halsted
For Youth Sport and Fitness program

Chicago Academy of Sciences
For TEENS Education program

Chicago Park District
For Inner City Youth Baseball program

Chicago Park District
For Thillens Stadium

Chicago Park District
For Cubs Care Special Olympics Leagues

Chicago Park District
For Cubs Care Rookie League Baseball & Special Recreation programs

Chicago Park District
For Sheil Park Playground Project

Chicago Public Library Foundation
For the 2009 Family Summer Reading program

Children's Memorial Hospital
For Catch the Reading Bug Literacy and Uplift School Health Center programs

Counseling Center of Lake View
For Latino Family Vioence program

Crisis Center For South Suburbia
For Children's Service program

Domestic Violence Legal Clinic
For general support

Emergency Fund
For Financial Assistance program

Family Rescue
For general support

Gigi's Playhouse
For Chicago Literacy and Education program

Girls in the Game
For general support

House of the Good Shepherd
For general support

Howard Brown Health Center
For Domestic Violence program

Illinois College
For Lakeview HS Scholarship: Nicolas Haderlein (358-84-0204)

Jewish Council For Youth Services
For Lakeview Family Center scholarships and TEAMcorps

For Buddy Baseball program

Korean American Women In Need
For general support

Lakeview Pantry of Chicago
For general support

Lincoln Park Community Shelter
For general support

Little City Foundation
For Project Connect program

Midtown Educational Foundation
For Academic Year Sports program

National Runaway Switchboard
For the 2009 Thanksgiving Dinner for Homeless Youth program

Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club
For Baseball, Softball and Youth Leadership & Development program

Night Ministry
For Response-Ability Pregnant and Parenting program

North Side Housing and Supportive Services
For general support

Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago
For the Virginia Wadsworth Wirtz Sports program

Residents For Effective Shelter Transitions
For general support

Special Gifts Theatre, Inc.
For general support

Tuesday's Child
For Little Little's Classroom program

Union League Boys and Girls Club
For Reviving Baseball in Inner Cities program

University of Illinois/Chicago Campus
For Lakeview HS Scholarship: Carmen Maldonado (354-82-9549)

Willow House
For Chicago Group program

Women's Sports Foundation
For GoGirlGo! Chicago program

YMCA of Metropolitan Chicago
For the Cubs Care After School program

YWCA of Metropolitan Chicago
For YWCA Uptown Center Domestic Violence program

Total Cubs Care $1,100,000

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