Education Program
Total $6,191,459*
Seeks to build a system of quality early care and education in Illinois for all children, birth to age eight.
* Includes $3,541 from returned portion of unused grants from prior years
Illinois Action for Children
For general operating support
Illinois Action for Children
For support of capacity-building
Advance Illinois
For support of Advance Illinois, a public policy advocacy group for the betterment of education in Illinois
Big Shoulders Fund
For a network of early childhood educators to provide quality programs in schools supported by Big Shoulders Fund
The Board of Trustees of Illinois State University
For support of policies and programs that will better connect early education and K-12 leaders in order to help create a seamless educational continuum
Business and Professional People for the Public Interest
For support of a professional development model that advances student achievement in eight public schools with high populations of Latino students
Chicago Children's Museum
For general operating expenses for early childhood programming
The Chicago Community Foundation
For a pooled fund to support development of the Illinois Race to the Top application to the U.S. Department of Education
Chicago Metropolis 2020
For a strategic planning process that will empower the advocacy efforts of the many early childhood organizations in Illinois
Chicago Metropolis 2020
For establishing, managing and staffing a Technical Advisory Committee to the Illinois Early Childhood Assessment Map (IECAM) to ensure its data analysis expertise
Columbia College Chicago
For a professional development initiative that will target mid-level management in ten community-based agencies
Community Renewal Society
For publication of a special edition of Catalyst in Depth focusing on the challenges of serving hard-to-reach families under Preschool for All
DuPage Children's Museum
For maintaining and expanding parent support and professional development activities within early childhood programming
Erikson Institute
For support of a Math Training Initiative for early childhood classrooms
Erikson Institute
For support of the Illinois Early Childhood Teaching Certification and Teacher Preparation Program
Erikson Institute
For support of Erikson's capital campaign, ""Fulfilling the Promise: The Campaign for Erikson""
Erikson Institute
For support of two international symposia on early mathematics education
Erikson Institute
For support of the work of the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment Committee to be convened by the Illinois State Board of Education
Fight Crime: Invest in Kids Illinois
For support of public policy and public awareness regarding the benefits of quality early care and education
Grantmakers for Children, Youth and Families
For continuing the systems-building efforts of the BUILD initiative
Illinois Association for Infant Mental Health
For continued support of the Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Credential Project
Illinois Network of Child Care Resource & Referral Agencies
For improvement and standardization of professional development for practitioners in the field of early care and education
Kohl Children's Museum
For support of Early Childhood Connections, an outreach program for low-income students and their teachers, and to support the 2009 Project Approach Summer Institute
Kohl Education Foundation, The Dolores
For continued support of the Kohl McCormick StoryBus
Kohl Education Foundation, The Dolores
For support of the Kohl McCormick Early Childhood Teaching Awards and the Kohl McCormick Academy of Outstanding Teachers
Latino Policy Forum
For broadening and extending impact of public policy work in early childhood education on behalf of Latino children
Lifelink Corporation
For the start-up of Educare West DuPage, a state-of-the-art early childhood center serving children at risk of academic failure in the DuPage suburbs
Loyola University Chicago
For continued support of the McCormick Foundation's Initiative for the Professional Development of Childcare Educators
National Association for the Education of Young Children
For the development of a statewide Early Childhood Workforce System in Illinois that will link to a national workforce development network
National-Louis University
For general operating support
Ounce of Prevention Fund
For a one-time, capacity-building grant to increase, intensify and expand Ounce of Prevention Fund's leadership, impact and reach to improve the odds for young children living in poverty in Illinois
Ounce of Prevention Fund
For general operating support
Rutgers University Foundation
For conducting a study examining the components of an effective preschool education system
Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
For expansion of low-income families' access to quality childcare and early education programs
Sesame Workshop
For the development of Talk, Listen and Connect: Coping with the Death of a Loved One, which will provide materials and support on bereavement to service providers who work with military families with young children
Strategic Learning Initiatives
For continued support of the Early Childhood Parent Engagement Program in two Chicago Public School elementary schools
Teach For America
For support of a cohort of preschool teachers who are placed in early childhood programs in Chicago
University of California at Berkeley
For use of existing research to improve the understanding of Latino children and families and how they can be better served by our early childhood system
University of Chicago
For support of a strategic communications program that will brand, disseminate and leverage research and recommendations of Nobel-prize winner James Heckman and the Consortium on Early Childhood Development
University of Illinois at Chicago
For development of an early care and education module to be added to the University of Illinois at Chicago Principal Preparation Program
The Urban Institute
For investigation of issues that limit the participation of non-Latino immigrant communities in Preschool for All programs in Chicago
Voices for Illinois Children
For general operating support
Voices for Illinois Children
For support of the dissemination of six public service announcements on television over a 13-week period
Women's Business Development Center
For the Child Care Business Initiative and the Eleventh Annual Business Exposition
Zero to Three
For the development and pilot-testing of training programs - - both web-based and traditional - - for service providers who work with National Guard and Reserve children and families